From Other Forecaster: I predicted the same, EUR & USD on February 28 to March 4 bottomed and began to rebound in between, then the rally will last for how long?
Short-cycle can not be accurately forecast. But it is about analysis.
July 5, 2008 to April 15, 2010 run for 21 months
March 4, 2009 to April 5, 2010 run 13 months
November 25, 2009 to April 25, 2010 run 4 months
From the above cycle can be seen in April will be the trend of turning point in time.
Also analyzed from the November 25, 2009 fell during the first wave of reaction runs for 14 days.
This gives us a cycle of time, The rally will now be able to observe more than 14 days. If the reaction time of more than 14 days we can look at 21 days, 28 days.
Although the U.S. economy and the euro zone economy is bad, but the whole situation in the U.S. can be a bit better. After all, the euro area is an economic one, while the regime is not one area.
My point of view the long-term bearish on the euro to continue.